I see both Polynomial and Polynomials in METADATA - is Polynomials a 
replacement for Polynomial?

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 10:46:55 AM UTC-4, Tony Kelman wrote:
> The implementation in https://github.com/Keno/Polynomials.jl looks a bit 
> better-scaled (not taking reciprocals of the eigenvalues of the companion 
> matrix), though it still might be better off on the original Wilkinson 
> example if the companion matrix were transposed.
> Doesn't look like Julia has a nicely usable Hessenberg type yet (
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/6434 - there is hessfact and a 
> Hessenberg factorization object, but those don't look designed to be 
> user-constructed), and I don't see any sign of ccall's into the Hessenberg 
> routine {sdcz}hseqr either.
> On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 7:08:11 AM UTC-7, Alan Edelman wrote:
>> I just tried roots in the Polynomial package
>> here's what happened
>> @time roots(Poly([randn(100)]));
>> LAPACKException(99)
>> while loading In[10], in expression starting on line 44
>>  in geevx! at linalg/lapack.jl:1225
>>  in eigfact! at linalg/factorization.jl:531
>>  in eigfact at linalg/factorization.jl:554
>>  in roots at /Users/julia/.julia/v0.3/Polynomial/src/Polynomial.jl:358
>> my first question would be why are we calling geevx for a matrix
>> known to be Hessenberg?
>> I'd be happy to have a time comparable to matlab's though i'm sure there
>> are faster algorithms out there as well
>> On Friday, May 9, 2014 11:21:11 PM UTC-4, Tony Kelman wrote:
>>> By default GitHub doesn't enable issue tracking in forked repositories, 
>>> the person who makes the fork has to manually go do that under settings.
>>> On Friday, May 9, 2014 9:39:56 AM UTC-7, Hans W Borchers wrote:
>>>> @Jameson
>>>> I am writing a small report on scientific programming with Julia. I 
>>>> changed the section on polynomials by now basing it on the newer(?) 
>>>> Polynomials.jl. This works quite fine, and roots() computes the zeros of 
>>>> the Wilkinson polynomial to quite satisfying accuracy.
>>>> It's a bit irritating that the README file still documents the old 
>>>> order of sequence of coefficients while the code already implements the 
>>>> coefficients in increasing order of exponents. I see there is a pull 
>>>> request for an updated README, but this is almost 4 weeks old.
>>>> Testing one of my examples,
>>>>     julia> using Polynomials
>>>>     julia> p4 = poly([1.0, 1im, -1.0, -1im])
>>>>     Poly(--1.0 + 1.0x^4)
>>>> which appears to indicate a bug in printing the polynomial. The stored 
>>>> coefficient is really and correctly -1.0 as can be seen from
>>>>     julia> p4[0]
>>>>     -1.0 + 0.0im
>>>> I wanted to report that as an issue on the project page, but I did not 
>>>> find a button for starting the issue tracker. Does this mean the 
>>>> Polynomial.jl project is still 'private' in some sense?
>>>> I know there have been long discussions on which is the right order for 
>>>> the coefficients of a polynomial. But I feel it uneasy that the defining 
>>>> order in MATLAB and other numerical computing systems has been changed so 
>>>> drastically. Well, we have to live with it.
>>>> On Friday, May 9, 2014 7:53:30 AM UTC+2, Hans W Borchers wrote:
>>>>> Thanks a lot. Just a few minutes ago I saw here on the list an 
>>>>> announcement
>>>>> of the "Least-squares curve fitting package" with poly_fit, among 
>>>>> others.
>>>>> I think this is good enough for me at the moment.
>>>>> I will come back to your suggestion concerning polynomials when I have 
>>>>> a
>>>>> better command of the type system. For polynomials there is 
>>>>> surprisingly
>>>>> many more interesting functionality than is usually implemented.
>>>>> On Friday, May 9, 2014 6:30:06 AM UTC+2, Jameson wrote:
>>>>>> As the author of Polynomial.jl, I'll say that being "a bit 
>>>>>> unsatisfied" is a good reason to make pull requests for any and all 
>>>>>> improvements :) 
>>>>>> While loladiro is now the official maintainer of Polynomials.jl 
>>>>>> (since 
>>>>>> he volunteered to do the badly-needed work to switch the coefficient 
>>>>>> order), if I had access, I would accept a pull request for additional 
>>>>>> roots() methods (parameterized by an enum type, for overloading, and 
>>>>>> possibly also a realroots function), horner method functions, 
>>>>>> polyfit, 
>>>>>> etc. 
>>>>>> I would not accept a pull request for allowing a vector instead of a 
>>>>>> Polynomial in any method, however. IMHO, this is a completely 
>>>>>> unnecessary "optimization", which encourages the user to conflate the 
>>>>>> concept of a Vector and a Polynomial without benefit. It could even 
>>>>>> potentially lead to subtle bugs (since indexing a polynomial is 
>>>>>> different from indexing a vector), or passing in the roots instead of 
>>>>>> the polynomial. 
>>>>>> I think merging your proposal for a polyfit function with 
>>>>>> StatsBase.fit makes sense. You could use a tuple parameter to combine 
>>>>>> the Polynomial parameter with the degrees information: 
>>>>>> function fit((T::(Type{Polynomial},Int), data) 
>>>>>>   P, deg = T 
>>>>>>   return Poly( pfit(deg, data) ) #where pfit represents the 
>>>>>> calculation of the polynomial-of-best fit, and may or may not be a 
>>>>>> separate function 
>>>>>> end 
>>>>>> fit((Polynomial,3), data) 
>>>>>> David de Laat put together a pull request to add his content to 
>>>>>> Polynomial: https://github.com/vtjnash/Polynomial.jl/pull/25. He 
>>>>>> also 
>>>>>> indicated he would update it for Polynomials.jl so that it could be 
>>>>>> merged. 

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