Hello collague,

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:25:46 PM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:
> > I agree that there should be some means of resolving conflicts (by 
> warning, 
> > by precedence) but just dropping a whole set of methods because they 
> > conincidentially have the same name AND at the same time advertising 
> > multiple dispatch in julia doesn't fit for me. 
> Multiple dispatch would still work and no methods are dropped, you would 
> just need to fully qualify the generic function, like 
> e.g. `Gadfly.plot`, or you could do `plot = Gadfly.plot` to get the one 
> generic function you want into the global namespace.  I think this would 
> be less confusing than the order of `using` be significant. 

In principle i agree, everything that is defined in the Modules is usable 
regarding its own namespace. But then, why do we have the export of 
functions? It's not even needed...
If you strictly prefix all functions by their module everything will be 
alright, but what in mixed environments? 

The point i'm trying to make is: The current situation - not merging the 
functions/methods - creates a dependency between Modules/Packages. Is this 
the intended work style?

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