Main is the root module so /T and ./T are the same thing in Main.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 3:36 AM, Mauro <> wrote:

> It still needs relative imports with one dot:
> julia> module A
>        module B
>        foo()=4
>        export foo
>        end
>        using .B
>        foo()
>        end
> Which is a bit odd.  Because at the REPL, which is in module Main, this
> is not needed.  This both works:
> julia> module T
>        end
> julia> using .T
> julia> module U
>        end
> julia> using U
> Does anyone know why this difference is?
> On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:56:08 AM UTC+1, ggggg wrote:
>> Ok I see how that works, I wasn't aware of the ..C syntax. That solves
>> the problem asked about, but I'm left with another question. Take for
>> example
>> module A
>> module B
>> foo()=4
>> export foo
>> end
>> foo()
>> end
>> That doesn't work, I get "ERROR: foo not defined" because foo is not
>> actually in the A namespace. But if I add "using B" I get "ERROR: B not
>> found". So how do I define B inside A, but also have A import the things
>> that B exports?

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