This is not the most efficient way, neither the clearest, but it's compact. 
In a language like Matlab it would be the preferred approach.

sum((outputarray[1:end-1] .< 0) & (outputarray[2:end] .>= 0))

Den onsdagen den 30:e juli 2014 kl. 22:03:32 UTC+2 skrev
> Hi guys,
> I asked this in a previous thread, but because that diverged off-topic 
> from my existing question, I decided to create a new thread.
> Anyhow, say I have an array
> outputarray = 
> Float64[-1.23423,-3.23423,-2.34234,-2.12342,1.23234,2.23423,-2.23432,5.2341,0.01111,1.23423]
> This array lists the output of some function. I want to count the number 
> of times that the function passes by or equals 0 while emerging from a 
> negative f(x). 
> In pseudocode, I want to do:
> function counter(outputarray)
>     count = 0
>     for i in Int64[1:len(outputarray)]
>         if outputarray[i] >= 0 && outputarray[i-1] < 0
>             count += 1
>         end
>     end
>     return count
> end
> What would be the most efficient way of doing this in Julia?
> Thanks,
> Wally 

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