I have written a package FastGauss.jl available here: 


to compute Gauss quadrature rules to 16-digit precision (so far Legendre, 
Jacobi, Lobatto, Radau),
aiming to be the fastest implementation in Julia. For example, this is how 
it takes to compute 1,000,000 Gauss-Legendre nodes and weights: 

tic(), GaussLegendre( 1000000 ); toc() 
elapsed time: 0.336489122 seconds

In my comparisons, GaussLegendre() is faster than Base.gauss() for n>60 
(nothing in it for 
small n), but my implementation right now does not allow for higher 
precision. I couldn't find a
Gauss-Jacobi code in Base. 

I am a Julia beginner (only been learning for 2 weeks) so I am assuming the 
code can be 
improved in a million and one ways. Please tell me if I've done something 
that Julia does 
not like. I am not sure if it is appropriate to make this an official 

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