Hey Don,

Have you considered putting your CoefTable function in a Julia package

I'm not sure whether there's an existing one that would be appropriate, but
this looks like a useful bit of code that could go in a library.

-- Leah

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Donald Lacombe <drlaco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jason,
> I think you may have saved my sanity! Here is the output:
> In  [22]: temp = CoefTable(mat,colnms,rownms)
> Out [22]:      a b c
> a    1 2 3
> b    4 5 6
> c    7 8 9
> In  [23]: show(temp)
>      a b c
> a    1 2 3
> b    4 5 6
> c    7 8 9
> These actually line up perfectly in my Sublime Editor so I think I'm fine.
> I also did the following as a more realistic example:
> In  [30]: show(temp)
>            Posterior Mean Lower 95% Upper 95%
> Income          -0.451334   1.60543  -1.05135
> Education         1.80312  0.382321  -2.06968
> Price            -0.58198  -1.53586  0.569491
> Again, it lines up perfectly in my Sublime window. I think all I will have
> to do is to omit the p-value code and it should work fine with my spatial
> models.
> Thank you again for answering my basic questions and this should make my
> code much nicer.
> Regards,
> Don
> On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 8:22:23 PM UTC-4, Jason wrote:
>> In  [11]: show(CoefTable)
>>> Out [11]: ERROR: `show` has no method matching show(::Type{CoefTable})
>>> you may have intended to import Base.show
>>> while loading In[11], in expression starting on line 1
>>> In  [12]: import Base.show
>>> Warning: import of Base.show into Main conflicts with an existing
>>> identifier; ignored.
>>  Don,
>> You need to import Base.show *before* defining the
>> show(::Type{CoefTable}) that I'm assuming you copied from the link I sent
>> earlier. Try doing it that way and let us know how it goes.
>> If you'd like to read more check out http://docs.julialang.org/
>> en/latest/manual/modules/

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