Hey Nils,

That is very interesting. I hadn't noticed any cases where `quadgk` is 

I'm not sure I can give a great answer here without seeing your code and 
really digging into the `quadgk` implementation. I can say, however, that 
[`do_quad` is a very simple 
it simply evaluates the the function at the nodes and computes the dot 
product between that result and the weights. You should get consistent 
timing results from `do_quad` for an interval of any length, given a fixed 
number of nodes. 

One more comment. The example with integrating over cos used 65 nodes. This 
is much more than needed for "reasonable" accuracy:

julia> nodes, weights = qnwlege(65, -2pi, 2pi);

julia> integral = do_quad(x -> cos(x), nodes, weights)

julia> nodes, weights = qnwlege(21, -2pi, 2pi);

julia> do_quad(x -> cos(x), nodes, weights)

As the computational complexity of the function being integrated goes up, 
using less nodes will likely be a good tradeoff between accuracy and 
efficiency. In [this 
I changed from using `quadgk` to computing the nodes/weights once and then 
calling `do_quad` and achieved a speed up of 115x for total time for the 
`compute_lt_price` function to converge.

If you would be willing to share your code I might be able to give better 

On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 6:26:38 AM UTC-4, Nils Gudat wrote:
> Hi Spencer,
> Can I just hop in with a question on your integration/quadrature routine? 
> I'm working on a value function iteration in a fairly large state space 
> (think of the order of 500,000 to 1m grid points per period) and hence have 
> to do calculate a lot of expected values. Naturally, I tried out the 
> QuantEcon package right away after seeing this thread here and I'm a bit 
> puzzled by its performance. When timing the inner part of my loop, in which 
> the quadrature is used (and around 400 integrations are performes), using 
> `quadgk` takes between 3 and 4 seconds to do the job, while using `qnwlege` 
> and `do_quad` clocks in at 18 to 20 seconds. However, for some iterations, 
> the time used with `quadgk` explodes to 350 to 450 seconds.
> I checked the examples on the quant-econ website and tried to reproduce 
> the integration of the cos function found here 
> <http://quant-econ.net/jl/julia_libraries.html#optimization-roots-and-fixed-points>.
> While I can reproduce the result on the website, the relative advantage of 
> `do_quad` seems to vanish when I narrow the interval, e.g. when integrating 
> from pi/2 to pi, `quadgk` seems to be an order of magnitude faster than 
> `do_quad`, especially when timing both steps for `do_quad` (i.e. including 
> the calculation of nodes and weights).
> Do you have a general idea about when `do_quad` outperforms `quadgk` and 
> vice versa? Ideally, I'd like to write my code in a way that chooses the 
> better option in each iteration, but at the moment I'm stumped as for how 
> to figure out which situation suits which routine.
> Thanks!
> On Saturday, September 20, 2014 1:06:41 AM UTC+1, Spencer Lyon wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Thanks for the questions, I’ll respond in chunks.
>> Any experiences/opinions/pitfalls your group discovered on the Python vs 
>> Julia question? 
>> I personally love both languages and use both regularly. I find myself 
>> reaching for Julia for most things right now — I love the more advanced 
>> features like metaprogramming and parallel processing that are either 
>> non-existent or not as well integrated into the python language itself (I 
>> know there are many packages that provide similar features for python, but 
>> they don’t feel as natural as they do in Julia).
>> Did you find one is faster than the other?
>> As you might expect, we found that Julia was faster than Python for most 
>> things. This is probably an artifact of the type of algorithms we used. 
>> Often we would define an operator that loops over a grid, and then iterate 
>> on that operator until we find a fixed point. Because of this looping, 
>> Julia has a predictable speed advantage.
>> Were there major areas where Julia lagged behind Python?
>> I can think of two places where performance in Julia wasn’t as good as 
>> performance in python:
>>    1. We often need to do quadrature in the innermost part of our loops 
>>    (to approximate expected values) and we found that Julia’s quadgk 
>>    routine was much slower scipy.integrate.fixed_quad. This is *not* a 
>>    fair comparison because the algorithms employed by the two functions are 
>>    very different. Specifically quadgk uses an adaptive algorithm while 
>>    fixed_quad just uses standard Gaussian quadrature. To get around this 
>>    we actually implemented a whole suite of quadrature routines in the file 
>>    quad.jl 
>>    <https://github.com/QuantEcon/QuantEcon.jl/blob/master/src/quad.jl>. 
>>    After switching the Julia code from using quadgk to our own internal 
>>    quadrature methods, we got approximately the same solutions, but the code 
>>    was between 35-115 faster. 
>>    2. Linear interpolation. The function numpy.interp does simple 
>>    piecewise linear interpolation. We ended up using the CoordInterpGrid 
>>    type from Grid.jl to accomplish this. As of right now the 
>>    interpolation steps are the biggest bottleneck in most of the functions 
>> we 
>>    have. 
>> We also didn’t really find that Julia was lagging behind Python in terms 
>> of libraries that we needed. All the functionality we needed was already 
>> available to us. We are using PyPlot.jl to generate graphics, so I guess 
>> the some of the Julia code is dependent on Python. Come to think of it the 
>> one thing we would like to have that we haven’t been able to find is 
>> arbitrary precision linear algebra. In Python this can be achieved through 
>> SymPy’s wrapping of mpmath, but as far as I know we don’t yet have 
>> arbitrary precision linear algebra in Julia.
>> On Friday, September 19, 2014 12:40:01 PM UTC-4, David Anthoff wrote:
>> This is fantastic!
>>> Any experiences/opinions/pitfalls your group discovered on the Python vs 
>>> Julia question? I guess you pretty much implemented the same algorithms in 
>>> both languages. Did you find one is faster than the other? Were there major 
>>> areas where Julia lagged behind Python?
>>> Thanks,
>>> David 
>>> *From:* julia...@googlegroups.com [mailto:julia...@googlegroups.com] *On 
>>> Behalf Of *Spencer Lyon
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:14 PM
>>> *To:* julia...@googlegroups.com
>>> *Subject:* [julia-users] ANN: QuantEcon.jl
>>> New package QuantEcon.jl <https://github.com/QuantEcon/QuantEcon.jl>.
>>> This package collects code for quantitative economic modeling. It is 
>>> currently comprised of two main parts:
>>> 1.      A toolbox of routines useful when doing economics
>>> 2.      Implementations of types and solution methods for common 
>>> economic models. 
>>> This library has a python twin: QuantEcon.py 
>>> <https://github.com/QuantEcon/QuantEcon.py>. The same development team 
>>> is working on both projects, so we hope to keep the two libraries in sync 
>>> very closely as new functionality is added.
>>> The library contains all the code necessary to do the computations found 
>>> on http://quant-econ.net/, a website dedicated to providing lectures 
>>> that each economics and programming. The website currently (as of 9/18/14) 
>>> has only a python version, but the Julia version is in late stages of 
>>> refinement and should be live very soon (hopefully within a week).
>>> The initial version of the website will feature 6 lectures dedicated to 
>>> helping a new user set up a working Julia environment and learn the basics 
>>> of the language. In addition to this language specific section, the website 
>>> will include 22 other lectures on topics including
>>> ·         statistics: markov processes (continuous and discrete state), 
>>> auto-regressive processes, the Kalman filter, covariance stationary 
>>> proceses, ect.
>>> ·         economic models: the income fluctuation problem, an asset 
>>> pricing model, the classic optimal growth model, optimal (Ramsey) taxation 
>>> , the McCall search model
>>> ·         dynamic programming: shortest path, as well as recursive 
>>> solutions to economic models
>>> All the lectures have code examples in Julia and most of the 22 will 
>>> display code from the QuantEcon.jl library.
>>> ​
>> ​

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