If calculating the nodes and weights is the bottleneck, another suggestion 
be on spot:

Sometimes Clenshaw-Curtis is considered to be faster than Gauss-Legendre as 
it computes nodes and weights using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).

In my own tests some time ago (not in Julia at that time) Clenshaw-Curtis 
up to 5 times faster for the same number of nodes and comparable accuracy.

On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 4:31:51 PM UTC+2, Spencer Lyon wrote:
> That’s great! 
> One more tip. If you know that the integration bounds are going to be 
> constant over certain iterations (which is likely given that you are doing 
> value function iteration), it helps performance significantly if you 
> precompute the nodes and weights before the iterations begin, and then 
> simply call do_quad using these same nodes and weights each iteration.
> If you do have to have changing bounds, there is a helper function 
> <https://github.com/QuantEcon/QuantEcon.jl/blob/master/src/quad.jl#L622-L636> 
> called quadrect(f::Function, n, a, b, kind="lege") that takes a function, 
> number of nodes, bounds (a, b), and an optional argument for the type of 
> nodes and computes nodes/weights for you then callsdo_quad`.
> On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 10:03:28 AM UTC-4, Nils Gudat wrote:
> Hi Spencer, hi Hans,
>> Thanks for both of your replies. 
>> Spencer, you make a good point about the nodes - of course 65 are way too 
>> many here, and stuffing that many nodes in a small interval is bound to 
>> make your `do_quad` function unnecessarily slow. In fact, in my own 
>> implementation, I get reasonable accuracy (this being defined as the 
>> distance between quadgk and do_quad <1e-10, or the distance in the 
>> resulting saving choice in my decision problem being smaller than 0.0001) 
>> with just 9 nodes. Then, the time required to complete one round of the 
>> loop goes down to 2.9 seconds, narrowly beating quadgk (and obviously 
>> beating it by quite a lot when you take into account those iterations at 
>> which quadgk implodes...)
>> Hans, that's an interesting observation as well, but I'm not sure it 
>> explains my issue. I'll try to investigate this further though, as this 
>> might potentially be an issue with `quadgk` that would merit being raised 
>> on Git.
> ​

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