pretty cool package =)
I saw, that you implemented your own point type.
This is exactly the reason, why I pledge for good support of fixed size 
arrays, with different names and accessors, but all under the same 
Right now, to use your package with my OpenGL packages, I'd need to write 
extra functions just to support your custom point type.
If they'd be all under the same interface, with all of the linear algebra 
functions defined on them, it'd become completely painless to integrate 
your package, and you could still use custom point types with all the 
accessors you like.
Here is a discussion on github concerning this:
Hope we can solve this early on, before the fragmentation becomes even 


Am Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014 21:34:21 UTC+2 schrieb Ariel Keselman:
> Fast and robust 2D & 3D geometrical predicates. For documentation see 
> here:
> https://github.com/skariel/GeometricalPredicates.jl
> This is used in a Delaunay/Voronoi implementation which I'll also package 
> which is faster than CGAL.
> In addition, it could be used as the basis for a fast and robust geometry 
> library, much like CGAL.
> read about how here:
> https://www.cgal.org/philosophy.html

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