Right, that makes sense.  When I asked about rescaling I was wondering
about how floating point roundoff affects the consistency of
predicates before and after transforming points by a scaling/offset to
put the coordinates into the range 1-2.  I think what you're saying is
that yes, consistency can be changed in rare cases, but it doesn't
actually matter for most use cases.

Very cool picture by the way :)

On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 6:17 PM, Ariel Keselman <skar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good questions, I think I have some answers:
> 1) The problem using an integer lattice is that Int64s would regularly
> overflow. In order to not overflow, for the 2D case, you would need to use
> at most 16-bits for coordinate information. Of course it is worse for the 3D
> case. So a fast and simple solution is to use Floats :) that way you get 53
> bits of precision for both 2D and 3D. The cost is tracking errors and using
> BigInts when needed (hopefully in rare cases only)
> 2) Scaling a set of points preserves the consistency of predicates. This
> means that all scaled primitives will agree among them on the
> incircle/intriangle tests, and the geometrical algorithms remain robust. I
> agree that in rare cases an unscaled incircle/intriangle result may differ
> from the scaled one (lets call this "precision"), but I can't think of any
> use-case requiring this. Still, in those cases, limiting yourself to the
> range 1.0<=x<2.0 would suffice. And you still enjoy the better performance
> :)

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