One thing I need quite often is the "block selection mode".
For instance adding the same characters in front of several lines, or 
deleting or adding commas in all lines of a data table.
I know how to do this with TextMate or Kate, but generally have 
difficulties finding it in a new editor.
For example how to do this with Atom, Sublime, or Brackets? Thanks.

On Saturday, November 29, 2014 10:26:06 AM UTC+1, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Kate already has a lot of features, so maybe for you there is no reason to 
> switch. Personally, for me, the main feature I would miss in Kate is 
> multiple cursors. With Sublime Text (and Atom, LT, and Brackets) you can 
> have multiple cursors so you can edit multiple lines of text at the same 
> time. In my code, I often have several lines of text that look similar. For 
> example:
>     const r_sun     = 695500.0KiloMeter; export r_sun    
>     const r_jupiter =  69173.0KiloMeter; export r_jupiter
>     const r_saturn  =  57316.0KiloMeter; export r_saturn 
>     const r_neptune =  24553.0KiloMeter; export r_neptune
>     const r_uranus  =  25266.0KiloMeter; export r_uranus 
>     const r_earth   =   6367.4KiloMeter; export r_earth  
>     const r_venus   =   6051.9KiloMeter; export r_venus  
>     const r_mars    =   3388.5KiloMeter; export r_mars   
>     const r_mercury =   2439.7KiloMeter; export r_mercury
>     const r_pluto   =   1184.0KiloMeter; export r_pluto  
>     const r_ceres   =    476.0KiloMeter; export r_ceres  
>     const r_vesta   =    265.0KiloMeter; export r_vesta  
> This is the physical radius of various solar system bodies. Suppose I also 
> want to have the mass of these bodies (m_sun, m_jupiter, etc...). Then I 
> have to replace "r_" with "m_" and KiloMeter with KiloGram in every line, 
> and then change the numbers. I find it convenient to put the cursor on the 
> first line, press Shift+Alt+Down eleven times and have 12 cursors going at 
> the same time.
> I know that this is not a critical feature, but it is the feature I would 
> miss the most if I moved to Kate. So it might be the best answer to your 
> question.
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
> On 29 November 2014 at 07:38, K Leo < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Just tried Atom.  It appears very good, but I am not sure what advantages 
>> it has over Kate which is what I have been using?
>> On 2014年11月29日 00:54, Pileas wrote:
>>> I use Atom. It resembles so much with Sublime (maybe the same people 
>>> work there).
>>> I tried Light Table. It is faster when it opens (this is a problem that 
>>> Atom has so far: it is a little slow), but I find Atom easier to work with. 
>>> Easy to install packages and themes. Supports many languages syntax 
>>> (Fortran and Julia included).
>>> I don't know about Bracket.
>>> Τη Παρασκευή, 28 Νοεμβρίου 2014 11:39:43 π.μ. UTC-5, ο χρήστης Daniel 
>>> Carrera έγραψε:
>>>     Hi everyone,
>>>     Can anyone here comment or share opinions on the newer text
>>>     editors -- Atom, Light Table, Bracket -- that seem to be trying to
>>>     supplant Sublime Text? A lot of the information you find online
>>>     seems to be geared toward web development, but my interest is
>>>     programming with Julia (and Fortran). That's why I asking for
>>>     opinions on the Julia mailing list.
>>>     I currently use Sublime Text, and I am very happy with it. But I
>>>     am curious about the others, since they seem to intentionally copy
>>>     the most important features from Sublime Text. If you have
>>>     experience with these editors and can tell me why you like one
>>>     better than another, I would love to hear it.
>>>     Cheers,
>>>     Daniel.
> -- 
> When an engineer says that something can't be done, it's a code phrase 
> that means it's not fun to do.

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