> For DataFrames, it depends on what you want to do. It is difficult to get 
> performance with DataArrays as columns using the current implementation. 
> With the ongoing work by John Myles White on the use of a Nullable type, 
> that should be much better. Also, you can use standard Arrays as columns of 
> a DataFrame. It's not documented well, but it can be done.
> Also, if you want to treat a DataFrame like a matrix, then generally the 
> answer is no. With some "trickery", you can store a view to a matrix in a 
> DataFrame. Basically, you have to create column views into the matrix. Here 
> is an example. It might be useful if you want to treat all or part of a 
> DataFrame as a matrix.

Thanks a lot for an excellent explanation and the example. I'll try it out. 
Looks promising.


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