I have always regarded the version tagging system as an indicator of 
package "ready-state", and not only as "progress since the package was 
concieved/first released". For example, I've registered the 
Interpolations.jl package in Metadata, but I haven't tagged a version, so 
if I do Pkg.status() it shows as version `0.0.0-` - to me, that works as an 
indicator that this package isn't as ready as a package with a version of, 
say, 1.2.5, or even 0.3.1.

It would probably be quite simple to add a filtering feature for package 
versions on pkg.julialang.org - nothing too specific, of course, but one 
could for example choose to include all packages, just packages with a 
tagged version, or even just packages version 1.0 or later. That would be a 
simple answer to most of the questions you raise, albeit maybe not as 
specific as you might want. However, it would have the benefit of curating 

// T

On Monday, December 22, 2014 5:23:43 PM UTC+1, Hans W Borchers wrote:
> There's a list (of such lists) at http://svaksha.github.io/Julia.jl/ .
> But you are right: something more complete and more up-to-date would be 
> nice.
> I started an overview of Math packages with usage examples, but stopped
> when the Julia 0.4 version came about.
> On Monday, December 22, 2014 4:59:24 PM UTC+1, lapeyre....@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Does it make sense to have a list of unregistered packages ?  I'd like to 
>> make my packages visible, for feedback or whatever, and also to see what 
>> other packages are out there.
>> Putting a new package that no one has used in the same list as a heavily 
>> used/developed package doesn't seem right.
>> My packages have interfaces that are too big, and need to be 
>> pruned/altered after people use them. Still, it would be nice
>> to be able to install them easily, so maybe a separate metadata repo, or 
>> a tag 'experimental' would work. (It would not make sense to register them 
>> in another list and then still call them 'unregistered')  I guess Julia 
>> will have to deal with something like this sooner or later.
>> github says there are about 2000 Julia repos. Surely not all are meant to 
>> be packages. I have a Swap.jl repo on github just so I can install it 
>> easily myself.  But I wonder how many of the 2000 are useable packages?
>> This must have been discussed already somewhere, but I can't find it.

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