This approach to count prime numbers based on tables is very
useful (for me), thanks. 

There are more than 305 million primes in the interval
[1841378967856, 1850000000000]. What am I doing wrong:

    julia> genprimes(1841378967856, 1850000000000]
    0-element Array{Int64,1}

Or is the sieve getting too large for numbers > 1^12 ?

Also, I don't believe this result:

    julia> countprimes(100000, 200000, tuplet = 6)

Octetts of prime numbers are very interesting, even in theory, 
but function 'countprimes' does not allow to search for them:

    julia> countprimes(1000000, 2000000, tuplet = 8)
    ERROR: tuplet must be between 1 and 6
     in countprimes at /home/hwb/.julia/v0.3/PrimeSieve/src/wrappers.jl:37

Could you allow at least 'tuplet=8'?
I know that the first octett is shortly above 1 million.

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