Hi everyone,

Happy New Year!

I briefly introduced myself and what I'm trying to do here 

I saw that Stefan gave a nice answer to the question "Is Julia ready for 
production use? <https://www.quora.com/Is-Julia-ready-for-production-use>" 
over on Quora. However, being ready for production is one thing and being 
ready for use in an enterprise application for large conservative financial 
institutions that undergo audits by regulators, etc., might be another. 

A comment in this group was made yesterday,"Julia is from and for 
<https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/GyH8nhExY9I/_mLCNVFOcKMJ>" I 
notice there are quite a number of researchers developing Julia, but 
naturally there is a much smaller team of core developers that seem to work 
very well together. If this small team disintegrated for some reason, e.g. 
find jobs, etc., I'm not sure Julia would have the escape velocity to 
develop into a mature enough language for the kind of applications I have 
in mind.

I am bootstrapping a startup so I need to be careful how I allocate my time 
and resources. I don't mind being a little cutting edge, but I would have 
to consider the likelihood that Julia reaches at least a "first version" 

So can I ask for some honest advice? With the obvious caveats understood, 
how far away is a "1.0"? How long can the core team continue its dedication 
to the development of Julia? Will Julia remain "from and for researchers" 
indefinitely? Can you envision Julia being used in large enterprise 
financial applications?

Thank you for any words of wisdom.

Best regards,

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