Turns out what I was remembering was something like this
static function variables rather than type variables. In trying to
duplicate it I run into the fact that you can't declare Types inside of
local scope:

julia> let _x = Any[]
       global MyType
       type MyType
         MyType(d) = new(d,_x)
ERROR: error compiling anonymous: type definition not allowed inside a
local scope

On Fri Jan 02 2015 at 8:19:13 PM <ele...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This seems to work, providing the equivalent to C++ class data members,
> any better suggestions?
>     immutable MyObj_a end
>     type MyObj
>         MyObj() = new()
>         a::Int=0
>         MyObj(::Type{MyObj_a}) = a
>         function MyObj(::Type{MyObj_a}, i::Int)
>             a = i
>         end
>     end
>     # nicer wrappers
>     get_a(::Type{MyObj}) = MyObj(MyObj_a)
>     set_a(::Type{MyObj}, i::Int) = MyObj(MyObj_a, i)
>     # and an immutable for luck
>     get_b(::Type{MyObj}) = 55
> Cheers
> Lex

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