Thanks for sharing Josh, I also did not know that internal constructors
worked like that. And it *does* actually work as written with 0.3.

On Tue Jan 06 2015 at 11:37:37 AM Josh Langsfeld <> wrote:

> On Friday, January 2, 2015 9:19:10 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>> This seems to work, providing the equivalent to C++ class data members,
>> any better suggestions?
>>     immutable MyObj_a end
>>     type MyObj
>>         MyObj() = new()
>>         a::Int=0
>>         MyObj(::Type{MyObj_a}) = a
>>         function MyObj(::Type{MyObj_a}, i::Int)
>>             a = i
>>         end
>>     end
>>     # nicer wrappers
>>     get_a(::Type{MyObj}) = MyObj(MyObj_a)
>>     set_a(::Type{MyObj}, i::Int) = MyObj(MyObj_a, i)
>>     # and an immutable for luck
>>     get_b(::Type{MyObj}) = 55
>> Cheers
>> Lex
> This is a very interesting example of the edges of the language. I didn't
> know you could write constructors that didn't return new type objects.
> Going for maximum terseness, all you need is:
> type X
>   _val::Int = 0
>   X() = _val
>   X(v::Int) = _val = v
> end
> And now, X(10) sets the value, X() retrieves it, and an actual X object
> can never be constructed. Pretty cool actually, though I don't know if it
> would work in 0.3.

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