Not sure, but maybe this is what you are looking for,

On Sunday, January 4, 2015 6:49:39 AM UTC+1, Darwin Darakananda wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Is there currently a function that converts s-expressions into Expr 
> structures (basically the reverse of Base.Meta.show_sexpr)?
> I just started playing around with metaprogramming in Julia, so I'm 
> probably doing things wrong.  But there are a lot of times where I end up 
> creating highly nested Expr objects, ending up with code that is 
> indecipherable.  I've found that the output from show_sexpr is sometimes 
> easier to read that that of dump or xdump (which only seems to display the 
> first couple of levels).  So I'm curious to see if the reverse 
> (s-expression -> Expr) is also true.  
> If this function does not exist, would it be something that people would 
> find useful?
> Thanks and Happy New Years!
> Darwin

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