What I was imagining was a new type, called e.g. ExtendedComplex (or 
RiemannComplex) that substitutes for the current Complex type. I didn't know 
about cproj, but I was imagining something equivalent to RiemannComplex calls 
cproj after every complex number operation.

If a function can return two different types, this is called "type 
instability". It requires the compiler (at least currently, but I know of no 
plans to change this) to return values in heap-allocated data structures 
instead of in registers. This is very expensive. See e.g. 
<http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/> for a 
discussion on type instability. Without this problem, using a separate type to 
denote infinity would indeed not only be a very elegant but also efficient 


> On Jan 10, 2015, at 17:44 , Jiahao Chen <jia...@mit.edu> wrote:
> Julia's support for complex arithmetic is written purely in Julia, so I don't 
> see how my suggestion to implement a new type is necessarily slower than 
> hard-coding in special values indicating complex infinity. The code branches 
> that one would need would simply be put in different places. Are there LLVM 
> intrinsics and/or hardware support for complex arithmetic? The story would be 
> different if there are (and I don't think we use them currently).
> The normalization of all complex infinities is essentially provided by the 
> C9X proposal's cproj function (which uses Inf + 0.0im as the representation 
> of ComplexInf). However, the C9X proposal acknowledges that there are use 
> cases for both topologies and thus avoids recommending one or the other. To 
> quote:
> "Two topologies are commonly used in complex mathematics: the complex plane 
> with its continuum of infinities and the Riemann sphere with its single 
> infinity. The complex plane is better suited for transcendental functions, 
> the Riemann sphere for algebraic functions. The complex types with their 
> multiplicity of infinities provide a useful (though imperfect) model for the 
> complex plane. The cproj function helps model the Riemann sphere by mapping 
> all infinities to one, and should be used just before any operation, 
> especially comparisons, that might give spurious results for any of the other 
> infinities."
> In this proposal, the complex plane is clearly the more fundamental space. 
> The Riemann sphere cannot be worked with directly; one can only work with the 
> shadow of the Riemann sphere projected back onto the complex plane, one 
> particular projection of which is provided by cproj.
> In contrast, it would be very Julian to represent the working topology with 
> types rather than explicitly forcing users to choose between the ordinary 
> complex plane and the Riemann sphere. The Riemann sphere would be a 
> first-class working algebra instead of being accessible indirectly via cproj. 
> The type model is also more composable, should there ever be a need to 
> intermix the two topologies.
> The situation for zeros is less dire since they compare equal with ==, 
> whereas the various representations of complex infinity do not.
> Thanks,
> Jiahao Chen
> Staff Research Scientist
> MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Erik Schnetter <schnet...@gmail.com>

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