On Thursday, 15 January 2015 02:51:35 UTC, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
> First, dividing nonzero by zero should give an infinite result. It does 
> for real, but not complex:
> julia> 1/0
> Inf
> julia> 1/(0+0*im)   # Should be some form of infinity
> NaN + NaN*im
> Second: Dividing by infinity (expect inf/inf) should give 0, but this is 
> inconsistent:
> julia> 1/Inf
> 0.0
> julia> 1/(Inf*im)
> 0.0 - 0.0im
> julia> 1/(Inf+Inf*im)   # should be complex zero
> NaN + NaN*im

These are definitely bugs: would you mind filing an issue?


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