Hi Micah,

This sounds great! I would be very interested in a dedicated SDE package 
and I guess others would be as well. At some point I wrote a solver based 
on the Heun method, but it needs some cleanup before I dare to post it.

AFAIK the name SDE.jl <https://github.com/mschauer/SDE.jl> is already taken 



On Sunday, 18 January 2015 07:21:41 UTC+1, Micah Corah wrote:
> I have been working on a project involving large systems of stochastic 
> differential equations. I considered using Ito.jl (to my knowledge the only 
> package with features for SDEs), but it was not quite to my tastes and did 
> not seem to offer much. In response, I wrote my own solver based on the 
> tutorial "An Algorithmic Introduction to Numerical Simulation of Equations" 
> by Desmond Higham (Euler-Maruyama) and have spent some time optimizing it. 
> Would this be something that people would be interested in using?
> There are some small changes that I would have to make for theoretical 
> correctness, but otherwise it looks fairly nice to me. If I do turn this 
> into its own package I will fix any of these latent issues and also work on 
> adding support for features such as different algorithms and distributions. 
> Then we would have Ito.jl for quantitative finance and SDE.jl (or whatever 
> I call it) for controls, dynamical systems, etc.
> Currently this code is on github with the code for a personal project I am 
> working on at https://github.com/mcorah/MultiQuadLift

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