This looks interesting, I should definitely give this a whirl sometime.

On Monday, February 23, 2015 09:38:45 AM Samuel Colvin wrote:
> I suggest (and I assume I'm about to get shot down) that the Julia
> community stops messing around with any OS specific graphics code and
> adopts HTML for all future visualizations. Are there any cases where that
> wouldn't work?

I'm pretty ignorant about HTML, so pardon some stupid questions/observations:

- I have the impression that Web3D seems to be a fairly limited subset of what 
OpenGL offers

- I'm worried about the overhead of plotting huge datasets. Because I'm too 
lazy to check for myself :-), can you describe how do you pass data to Bokeh? 
Can you do it without making a copy? (I.e., in the RAM of your machine, there 
is only one copy of the data, ever, and both the julia side and the HTML side 
use the same chunk of RAM.) If so, this may not be so bad. If conversely you 
have to convert to ASCII or something, that's a dealbreaker.

- Can you point me to how one writes callback functions? (User clicks on a 
single point on a plot, I want it to call back to my *julia* code so I can do 
some more detailed analysis/visualization on the data corresponding to that 
particular point. I don't want to have to write that code in javascript.) I 
imagine this is possible (probably some kind of socket communication?), but 
I'd love to have someone point me to how it's done. There may be circumstances 
where one wants fast callbacks, although for interactive usage I expect that 
callback time will be dwarfed by the rendering time.

These are the things that make me worry about relying on HTML/javascript. I 
also recognize that path holds some attractions.


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