Moving a post from julia issues to here since it is more 

If I am making a function or composite type that involves floating point 
numbers, should I enforce those numbers to be Float64 or FloatingPoint? I 
it should be FloatingPoint so that the function/type will work with any 
kind of floating point number. However, several julia packages enforce 
Float64 (e.g. Distributions package Multinomial distribution) and so I run 
into problems and have to put in a lot of converts in my code to Float64. Am 
I doing this wrong? I'm quite new to julia

I don't have any intention to use non Float64 floatingpoints numbers, I'm 
just trying to write good code. I saw a lot of examples where people 
recommended to to use Integer rather than Int64 or String rather than 
ASCIIString, etc. I'm just trying to be consistent. I'm fine just using 
Float64 if that is the appropriate approach here.

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