Extensive discussion here:


On Thursday, March 05, 2015 12:50:59 PM Benjamin Deonovic wrote:
> This has been very helpful
> @Ivar Nesje
> Can you explain the difference between your two examples of type A? I think
> that is where most of my confusion comes from.
> On Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 12:24:12 PM UTC-6, Ivar Nesje wrote:
> >    1. Make sure that your code is correct for the inputs you allow. There
> >    is no need to accept BigFloat (nor Float16) if you end up converting to
> >    Float64 for the calculation anyway (the user of your code can do that
> >    himself). If you don't care enough about different precisions to even
> >    think
> >    about  how it will affect your program, I think it is better to add a
> >    TODO
> >    comment in the code/documentation, so that others that care might
> >    submit
> >    the required changes in a PR.
> >    2. Testing your algorithm with random Float16 and BigInt will
> >    sometimes raise new issues that affects Float64, but is much harder to
> >    find
> >    there. There is definitely value in thinking about how different makes
> >    a
> >    difference (or why it doesn't).
> > 
> > Usually you shouldn't use abstract types in a type definition, but rather
> > make a parametric type. This is for performance, because the current Julia
> > runtime is very slow if it can't statically infer the types of the members
> > of a type. See that
> > 
> > type A{T<:FloatingPoint}
> > 
> >       member::T
> > 
> > end
> > 
> > is usually much better than
> > 
> > type A
> > 
> >     member::FloatingPoint
> > 
> > end
> > 
> > Regards
> > Ivar
> > 
> > torsdag 5. mars 2015 18.27.38 UTC+1 skrev Simon Danisch følgende:
> >> I think it's a good idea to have things parametric and type stable. So
> >> I'd vote for T <: FloatingPoint.
> >> Like this, the type you call a function with can be propagated down to
> >> all other functions and no conversions are needed.
> >> As you said, this gets difficult as some people have Float64 hard coded
> >> all over the place. It's understandable as John pointed out.
> >> But for someone like me who works with GPU's which depending on the
> >> graphics card perform up to 30 times faster with Float32, this is quite
> >> annoying as I always need to convert&copy.
> >> 
> >> Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2015 17:55:40 UTC+1 schrieb Benjamin Deonovic:
> >>> Moving a post from julia issues to here since it is more appropriate:
> >>> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/10408
> >>> 
> >>> If I am making a function or composite type that involves floating point
> >>> numbers, should I enforce those numbers to be Float64 or FloatingPoint?
> >>> I thought it should be FloatingPoint so that the function/type will
> >>> work with any kind of floating point number. However, several julia
> >>> packages enforce Float64 (e.g. Distributions package Multinomial
> >>> distribution) and so I run into problems and have to put in a lot of
> >>> converts in my code to Float64. Am I doing this wrong? I'm quite new to
> >>> julia
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> I don't have any intention to use non Float64 floatingpoints numbers,
> >>> I'm just trying to write good code. I saw a lot of examples where
> >>> people recommended to to use Integer rather than Int64 or String rather
> >>> than ASCIIString, etc. I'm just trying to be consistent. I'm fine just
> >>> using Float64 if that is the appropriate approach here.

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