> More generally, it is important to keep the option of
> very simple (Matlab-style) Julia. I wonder whether users
> could come up with other examples where "simplicity,
>  convenience" are sacrificed for "performance, elegance
> of design, etc" ?

I confess that I don't like that all four of the following display in major
or slightly different ways in 0.4.  Yes, Float16 is only a storage class
and so on for the other types, but it still looks awkward to me that they
all display differently.

Also, I really want to type [1:2] rather than [1:2;] for a column vector.

Even though I occasionally have problems like those above, I generally find
Julia simple to learn and that I can use simple (Matlab-style) code if I
want to.

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 4:34 PM, Stefan Karpinski <ste...@karpinski.org>

> On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 7:24 PM, <ele...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The problem is that its fairly easy to be casually wrong when using reals
>> as indexes.  What does 10. index? (Hint: floating point numbers can't
>> represent 10 exactly, its 9.999999...)
> This is simply untrue. All integers between ±2^53 can be represented
> exactly as Float64s. Beyond that, many integers can be represented exactly,
> but not all of them.


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