Bear in mind that you can get (very) lucky with Pollard's Rho. It won't
perform comparably for all numbers of the same size.

On 16 March 2015 at 09:15, Hans W Borchers <> wrote:

> Bill, I think it has become clear what I mean. I agree that is
> unreasonable to exactly define up to what limit a general-purpose
> scientific software should be able to factorize numbers, for example. But I
> feel, Julia should be able to act in about the same range as other
> comparable systems, like R or Python.
> With its relatively simple demo version of Pollard's Rho, GMP is capable
> of factorizing Fermat's number  F6 = 2^(2^7) + 1 = 59649589127497217 *
> 5704689200685129054721  within 200 secs (on a slow computer). More
> specialized systems like Python/SAGE or PARI/GP do F8 (with 77 digits) in
> less than a second (with hand-made C code, I guess).
> I think factorization in the range of 30-50 digits could be possible with
> Julia. I will write my own version of Pollard (with Brent's cycle-finding
> approach) and see how far I get. If Julia sticks with trial division, fine
> with me. Thanks, at the moment I'm not interested in C versions.

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