Factoring large integers is an open research problem. The issue is 
definitely nothing to do with Julia's handling of bignums, or its use of 
GMP (there is no competitive factoring algorithm in GMP).

Fixing that problem properly is on the order of about 120,000 lines of C 
code, if you want to be truly up-to-date.

Here is a list of algorithms you need to factor big numbers fast:

trial division
perfect power testing
pollard rho
elliptic curve method
quadratic sieve (self initialising, multiple polynomial, small, large and 
double large prime variants)
general number field sieve (active open research area)

then you need to be able to check for primality reliably to certify that 
you have actually fully factored your numbers, for which you will want

a lookup table for small primes
trial division
strong probable prime test
Lucas test
Pocklington-Lehmer p-1 test
Morrison's p+1 test (+ Brillhart, Lehmer, Selfridge improvements)

You might like to look at the msieve library and the GMP-ECM library. That 
will take most of the burden off you. If you want to factor numbers bigger 
than about 100 decimal digits, you need something like CADO-NFS. If you 
want to factor numbers bigger than 200 digits you need a miracle.

Hopefully flint will also have something relatively competitive by the end 
of the summer, though it isn't specialised just on those problems. We are 
still missing APR-CL, qsieve, ECM which we plan to add over the next few 
months to a year, and we don't have any plans for a general number field 
sieve at this point.

Note that the primality testing in GMP is for probable prime testing only. 
It sometimes (exceedingly rarely) says composite numbers are prime. It does 
no primality proving (i.e. it has no APR-CL or ECPP).

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