Le lundi 16 mars 2015 à 13:00 -0700, Chris a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have written a bunch of Julia code with functions assuming a certain
> variable (time) is a Float64 (really it's a Julian Date). I recently
> decided it might be a good idea to introduce a custom JDate type,
> which I defined as a subtype of FloatingPoint:
>         immutable JDate <: FloatingPoint
>                  t::Float64
>         end 
>  My thinking being that this would help avoid ambiguity with my code,
> as I sometimes work with other units of time (e.g. seconds) that are
> also floating point numbers. Of course, this introduced a number of
> problems in my existing code, including
>      1. Arithmetic operators not defined for type JDate. My workaround
>         for this has thus far been to overload the operators to accept
>         JDate types.
>      2. My functions not having methods that accept time as a JDate
>         type. My workaround for this has been to change the function
>         to accept time::FloatingPoint instead of time::Float64, but
>         this workaround does not work for Arrays.
> I've read through the relevant parts of the documentation, although
> I'm not sure how much actually stuck, since a good portion was over my
> head.
> In general, am I going about this the right way? If not, what should I
> do differently? Is there any way to resolve the issue with Arrays,
> besides creating another method that accepts Array{JDate,1}?
I guess you should simply define your functions as
f{T<:FloatingPoint}(a::Array{T}, ...)
so that they accept arrays of any floating point type.

Other than that, looks like you're doing it right, though as Tom said
using DateTime instead is probably a good idea.


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