To answer my own question, I think Rust might be it (for manual memory 
"The final Rust 1.0 release is scheduled for May 15th" - today.

There probably will not be any official "complementary language". I'm aware 
of PyCall and:

Stefan Karpinski - Julia + Python = ♥

[I can assume Python would be very close to "official", for 
library/"battery included"-reasons, for the short (or long) term, but not 
for any inherent advantage as a (core) language.]

[I haven't finished Karpinski's video..], he talks about pure (Haskell) vs. 
unpure. I do not think he talks about GC vs. manual memory management. For 
a short list of languages, does Rust (or C/C++) need to be on it? Or nim:
"Pointers to garbage collected memory are distinguished from pointers to 
manually managed memory."

I'm skeptical that most people actually need a language with manual memory 
management (Strostrup isn't..). I think C (and maybe C++?) should be left 
out in favour of Rust as it is safer.

Other dimensions:

Do you need pure? Then Haskell? Erlang? (is it in some ways better than 
Julia for concurrency?)

Chapel (do we need it? Going with autoparallel as default seems to be a 
mistake - confusing for users?) Does Chapel or X10 or other PGAS model 
language have a change of beating Julia or getting more popular?

Prolog? Datalog? Minikaren? Most promising logical?

Any other?

Z, VHDL etc. ..


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