Do I need to be worried? My guess is 0.4 might be faster and maybe already 
be faster in all the cases below (do you know?):


Julia 0.87
Lua 0.71
Java 0.68

[Interesting that all beat C (I guess C *could* match all languages..).]

fib ("doubly recursive")
Julia 2.14
Lua 2.02
Java 0.96
Fortran 0.57

Julia 1.21
Fortran 1.10
Go 1.09

In all other cases Julia beats all the others, except for C or Fortran 
(that it can already call) or in one case by a tiny bit for Python..

How soon can we excpect all factor to go to 1.0 or less (beating C) and 
below Fortran in those cases? I understand such as for, rand_mat_mul (the 
Python case) you would just call a Fortran library, just thinking is there 
an inherent reason Julia is still beaten? Does, say, the subarray work come 
to the rescue? 

These algorithms are just stand-ins. This is not about them..


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