Sir, I know it's 11th hour but I just got the news about JSoC and would be 
very interested to work on this project.

On Saturday, 16 May 2015 09:06:03 UTC+5:30, Miles Lubin wrote:
> This is both a proposal and a call for interested undergraduate and 
> graduate students:
> Automatic differentiation is a technique for computing exact numerical 
> derivatives of user-provided code, as opposed to using finite difference 
> approximations which introduce approximation errors. These techniques have 
> a number of applications in statistics, machine learning, optimization, and 
> other fields. Julia as a language is particularly suitable for implementing 
> automatic differentiation, and the existing capabilities are already beyond 
> those of Scipy and MATLAB. We propose a project with the following 
> components:
> 1. Experiment with the new fast tuple and SIMD features of Julia 0.4 to 
> develop a blazing fast stack-allocated implementation of DualNumbers with 
> multiple epsilon components. Integrate with existing packages like Optim, 
> JuMP, NLsolve, etc., and measure the performance gains over existing 
> implementations.
> 2. Combine this work with the ForwardDiff package, which aims to provide a 
> unified interface to different techniques for forward-mode automatic 
> differentiation, including for higher-order derivatives.
> 3. Time permitting, take a step towards the reverse mode of automatic 
> differentiation. Possible projects include developing a new implementation 
> of reverse-mode AD based on the expression-graph format used by JuMP or 
> contributing to existing packages such as ReverseDiffSource and 
> ReverseDiffOverload.
> There are quite a number of interesting projects in this area (some with 
> avenues for publication), so we can adjust the work according to the 
> student's interests. An ideal student should be interested in experimenting 
> with state-of-the-art techniques to make code fast. No mathematical 
> background beyond calculus is needed. See for more info.
> Co-mentors: Miles Lubin and Theodore Papamarkou
> If this sounds cool and interesting to you, do get in touch!

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