Ok, could you open an issue here [1] and I'll have a closer look at what's 
going wrong.

[1] https://github.com/MichaelHatherly/Docile.jl/issues

-- Mike

On Friday, 5 June 2015 17:00:49 UTC+2, Andrew Gibb wrote:
> Mike,
> Thanks for your answer. I'm afraid your suggestions don't work. I've tried 
> modifying the LOAD_PATH in juliarc.jl, and tried the various permutations 
> of macro usage again. In every case, only the default 0.3.x documentation 
> appears when I do ?-query at the REPL. 
> From the output beneath "Docile: updating package list ..." It is clear 
> that DocThis is not detected by Docile at all. Perhaps there's something 
> else in the "Official" Package generation process upon which Docile relies?
> Andy
> On Friday, 5 June 2015 15:42:19 UTC+1, Michael Hatherly wrote:
>> Docile works on whole packages rather than individual files. You just 
>> need to put the file "docthis.jl" in the correct load path [1] so that 
>> ``using DocThis`` works or else do ``require("docthis.jl")`` rather than 
>> ``include("docthis.jl")``. I'll add a mention of this to the documentation 
>> shortly.
>> [1] http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/modules/#module-file-paths
>> -- Mike
>> On Friday, 5 June 2015 16:25:39 UTC+2, Andrew Gibb wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please help me get started with this. Here' a simple Julia module, with 
>>> an attempt at documention:
>>> module DocThis
>>> using Docile
>>> @docstrings
>>> export AThing, addfive
>>> @doc """
>>> This type defines a thing, which is a thing. Here's some code, declared 
>>> by indenting:
>>> ay = AThing(5)
>>> bee = AThing(3.14)
>>> So that's that. 
>>> """ ->
>>> type AThing
>>> bee
>>> end
>>> @doc """
>>> Adds five. Just like that.
>>> """ ->
>>> function addfive(x::Number)
>>> return x + 5.
>>> end
>>> end #module
>>> To using this at the REPL, I do 
>>> using Docile, Lexicon
>>> include("docthis.jl")
>>> using DocThis
>>> which I imagine should be all the initialisation I need to do. But when 
>>> I do 
>>> ? AThing
>>> I just get 
>>> DataType   : AThing (constructor with 1 method)
>>>   supertype: Any
>>>   fields   : (:bee,)
>>> I have tried various permutations of the documentation syntax: No macros 
>>> (or arrows), Only @doc macros with arrows, or the version you see above. 
>>> All of these produce the same results. What am I doing wrong?
>>> Thanks
>>> Adny

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