This is still not working for me. 

Julia 0.3.8
Linux x86_64
Latest Docile and Lexicon

module DocThis

using Docile

export AThing, addfive

@doc """
This type defines a thing, which is a thing. Here's some code, declared by 

    ay = AThing(5)
    bee = AThing(3.14)

So that's that. 
""" ->
type AThing

@doc """
Adds five. Just like that.
""" ->
function addfive(x::Number)
    return x + 5.

end #module

julia> using DocThis
help?> AThing
DataType   : AThing (constructor with 1 method)                             
  supertype: Any                                                           
  fields   : (:bee,)

I've included the new line at the end of the module. What is still wrong?

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