Right now the atom package for adding syntax highlighting for Julia is 

Based on issues like this one 
(https://github.com/tpoisot/language-julia/issues/8) it seems like the 
grammar.cson is incorrect.

I did a fresh restart of the grammar based on the official text mate 
bundle https://github.com/JuliaLang/Julia.tmbundle and all these issues 
seem to be resolved. It is a relief to not have syntax highlighting treat 
everything as a string mid-file!

I've also added everything in Base.REPLCompletions.latex_symbols 
and Base.REPLCompletions.emoji_symbols as snippets.

I'm writing here to propose two things:

1.  Contact the maintainer of the current language-julia atom package, 
merge in the new features he has added, and begin using the new one 
generated from the tmBundle as the official Julia support for atom
2. To make it seem more "official" I  would like house the repository under 
the JuliaLang github organization in a repo JuliaLang/language-julia. 

What do people think about this idea?

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