Ahh that's a great distinction-- good catch. Knowing that I'd vote that the 
repo be named JuliaLang/atom-language-julia    

// Spencer

On June 11, 2015 at 9:49:28 PM MST, John Myles White <johnmyleswh...@gmail.com> 
wrote:Looking into this more, it looks like the repo can have any name you 
want. The important thing is that the package is named language-julia, not the 
repo.On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 8:05:20 PM UTC-7, Spencer Lyon wrote:Good to 
see something for atom-language-julia. That is what the package was named 
originally, but it wasn't maintained so it was forked and renamed 
language-julia.  I don't think there will really be any reusable components. I 
just dont know another editor/tool that uses textmate style grammar in cson 
format or atom's snippet syntax, for example.        

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