I'm trying to understand coroutines for single threaded concurrency. I'm 
surprised that produce()/consume() and RemoteRef have no mechanism for type 
information, and as I understand it, are type unstable. One should 
therefore avoid using these in inner loops I guess? Should we expect this 
to remain the case?

In Go it appears to be encouraged to heavily use concurrency even for 
things as simple as generating a series of numbers. In julia you might say
a = zeros(Int,100)
for i=1:100 a[i]=i end

In go you could certainly do that, but in my brief introduction it appeared 
to be encouraged to do create a function that pushes i onto a "channel" and 
then read numbers out from the channel. In julia with produce/consume 
instead of a channel that would look like
counter() = for i=1:100 produce(i) end
a = zeros(Int,100)
task = Task(counter)
for i=1:100 a[i]=consume(task) end
This seems seems to violate julia performance guidelines as I understand 
them, since the the compiler doesn't know what type consume(task) will 

So I tried to implement something more like a go channel, that has type 
information. I thought it would be faster
type GoChannel{T}
It turned out to be about 2x slower than the produce()/consume() approach, 
and using RemoteRef (which has a more go channel like API) is about 4x 
slower than produce()/consume(). On my computer anyway, the 
produce()/consume() approach is about 7x slower than using a channel in go 
for the same thing.

Gist with full code: https://gist.github.com/ggggggggg/c93a0f029620deca4f2e

So I guess my questions are:
Why isn't there at least an option to encode type information in 
consume/produce and RemoteRef?
Is there anything I could do to speed up my GoChannel implementation? Did I 
make any mistakes in my other benchmarks?

 I know this is one of go's defining features, so it is perhaps 
unsurprising that Julia isn't as fast for this yet. Is there room to speed 
these concurrent communication constructs up?


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