Looking forward to your note Amit. Maybe I can find a small part to help 

I'm just learning about concurrent programming, so your comments are 
helpful Tom. I noted all the benchmarks I did with julia relative to go, 
but I also did a simple go loop vs go with channels and the slowdown was a 
factor of a few hundred, which probably means this type of programming 
isn't well suited for inner loops unless as you suggest there is some sort 
of automatic translation to unrolled loops. I guess it's probably more 
appropriate for larger organizational type parts.

On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 10:20:36 AM UTC-6, ggggg wrote:
> I'm trying to understand coroutines for single threaded concurrency. I'm 
> surprised that produce()/consume() and RemoteRef have no mechanism for type 
> information, and as I understand it, are type unstable. One should 
> therefore avoid using these in inner loops I guess? Should we expect this 
> to remain the case?
> In Go it appears to be encouraged to heavily use concurrency even for 
> things as simple as generating a series of numbers. In julia you might say
> a = zeros(Int,100)
> for i=1:100 a[i]=i end
> In go you could certainly do that, but in my brief introduction it 
> appeared to be encouraged to do create a function that pushes i onto a 
> "channel" and then read numbers out from the channel. In julia with 
> produce/consume instead of a channel that would look like
> counter() = for i=1:100 produce(i) end
> a = zeros(Int,100)
> task = Task(counter)
> for i=1:100 a[i]=consume(task) end
> This seems seems to violate julia performance guidelines as I understand 
> them, since the the compiler doesn't know what type consume(task) will 
> return.
> So I tried to implement something more like a go channel, that has type 
> information. I thought it would be faster
> type GoChannel{T}
>     v::T
>     hasvalue::Bool
>     c::Condition
> end
> It turned out to be about 2x slower than the produce()/consume() approach, 
> and using RemoteRef (which has a more go channel like API) is about 4x 
> slower than produce()/consume(). On my computer anyway, the 
> produce()/consume() approach is about 7x slower than using a channel in go 
> for the same thing.
> Gist with full code: 
> https://gist.github.com/ggggggggg/c93a0f029620deca4f2e
> So I guess my questions are:
> Why isn't there at least an option to encode type information in 
> consume/produce and RemoteRef?
> Is there anything I could do to speed up my GoChannel implementation? Did 
> I make any mistakes in my other benchmarks?
>  I know this is one of go's defining features, so it is perhaps 
> unsurprising that Julia isn't as fast for this yet. Is there room to speed 
> these concurrent communication constructs up?
> Thanks.

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