Be careful. I, too, hoped that it would be sufficient to change the last 
fraction bit to a ubit. But the relative error changes with every 
calculation, so you *have* to let the fraction length float and be another 
annotation field. And for more subtle reasons, you need to be able to vary 
the exponent size, also. So it is the three added fields in combination 
that make unum math work. Remove any one of them, and you'll be where I've 
been for the last 30 years: exasperated with alternatives to floats that 
still don't work mathematically.

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 2:47:50 PM UTC-7, Job van der Zwan wrote:
> On Thursday, 30 July 2015 00:00:56 UTC+3, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
>> Job, I'm basing my judgement on the presentation.
> Ah ok, I was wondering I feel like those presentations give a general 
> impression, but don't really explain the details enough. And like I said, 
> your critique overlaps with Gustafson's own critique of traditional 
> interval arithmetic, so I wasn't sure if you meant that you don't buy his 
> suggested alternative ubox method after reading the book, or indicated 
> scepticism based on earlier experience, but without full knowledge of what 
> his suggested alternative is.
> To be clear, it wasn't a "you should read the book" putdown - I hate 
> comments like that, they destroy every meaningful discussion.
> The more I think about it, the more I think the ubit is actually the big 
> breakthrough. As a thought experiment, let's ignore the whole 
> flexible-bitsize bit and just take an existing float, but replace the last 
> bit of the fraction with a ubit. What happens?
> Well.. we give up one bit of *precision* in the fraction, but *our set of 
> representations is still the same size*. We still have the same number of 
> floats as before! It's just that half of them is now exact (with one bit 
> less precision), and the other half represents open intervals between these 
> exact numbers. Which lets you represent the entire real number line 
> accurately (but with limited precision, unless they happen to be equal to 
> an exact float). 
> Compare that to traditional floating point numbers, which are all exact, 
> but unless your calculation is exactly that floating point representation 
> (which is very rare) guaranteed to be off.
> Think about it this way: regular floats represent a finite subset of 
> rational numbers. More bits increase that finite subset. But add a ubit, 
> and you got the entire real number line. With limited precision, and using 
> the same finite number of representations as a float that has the same 
> number of bits, but still.
> I'd like to hear some feedback on the example I used earlier from people 
> more versed in this topic than me:
>  ubound arithmetic tells you that 1 / (0, 1] = [1, inf), and that [1, inf) 
>> / inf = 0
> Thanks to the ubit, the arithmetic is as simple as "divide by both 
> endpoints to get the new interval endpoints".  It's so simple that I have a 
> hard time believing this was not possible with interval arithmetic before, 
> and again I don't know that much about the topic.
> So is it really true, like Gustafson claims, that interval arithmetic so 
> far always used *closed* intervals that accepted *rounded* answers? 
> Because if that is true, and even is that is the only thing unums solve... 
> well then I'm sold :P

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