Related, in Julia0.4 there is also enum:

help?> @enum
  ..  @enum EnumName EnumValue1[=x] EnumValue2[=y]
  Create an :obj:`Enum` type with name ``EnumName`` and enum member values of 
``EnumValue1`` and ``EnumValue2`` with optional assigned values of ``x`` and 
``y``, respectively. ``EnumName`` can be used just like other types and enum 
member values as regular values, such as
  .. doctest::
     julia> @enum FRUIT apple=1 orange=2 kiwi=3
     julia> f(x::FRUIT) = "I'm a FRUIT with value: $(Int(x))"
     f (generic function with 1 method)
     julia> f(apple)
     "I'm a FRUIT with value: 1"

On Tue, 2015-09-15 at 10:51, Michael Borregaard <> wrote:
> Thanks, both, the pattern dispatch package looks useful. I guess the nice 
> thing about having the possibilities directly in the arguments line is that 
> it is extremely easy for the user to see the legal possible values of the 
> argument. 
> Best,
> Michael
> Den tirsdag den 15. september 2015 kl. 10.44.38 UTC+2 skrev Tomas Lycken:
>> You could also use a fairly common (although it is discouraged in the style 
>> guide 
>> <>)
>> construct with an “enum type tree”:
>> abstract SolverMethod
>> immutable Spearman end
>> immutable Pearson end
>> immutable Kendall end
>> Now, you can define and use your function definition like this:
>> function foo{Method<:SolverMethod}(x, method::Type{Method})
>>     ...
>> end
>> foo(x, Kendall) # solve using Kendall solver
>> Furthermore, you can leverage multiple dispatch for parts of the function 
>> that differ based on the solver method. Inside foo, this
>> if method == "spearman"
>>     # do spearman specific stuff
>> elseif method == "pearson"
>>     # do pearson specific stuff
>> elseif method == "kendall"
>>     # do kendall specific stuff
>> else
>>     # handle incorrect input
>> end
>> turns into
>> dostuff(..., method)
>> # and outside of foo
>> function dostuff(..., ::Type{Spearman})
>>     # do spearman specific stuff
>> end
>> function dostuff(..., ::Type{Pearson})
>>     # do pearson specific stuff
>> end
>> function dostuff(..., ::Type{Kendall})
>>    # do kendall specific stuff
>> end
>> //T
>> On Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 10:32:39 AM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:
>> No, Julia only dispatches on types not on values.  The latter sometimes 
>>> goes under the name of pattern matching.  There is a package for that: 
>>> On Tue, 2015-09-15 at 10:15, Michael Borregaard <> 
>>> wrote: 
>>> > Is there a way in julia to restrict the values of arguments to a 
>>> function, 
>>> > eg to the contents of a certain vector? 
>>> > 
>>> > So, e.g. method in the function 
>>> > 
>>> > function foo(x, method::String) ... 
>>> > 
>>> > would be constrained to either "spearman", "pearson" or "kendall"? 
>>> > 
>>> > Thanks 
>>> ​

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