> I'd be grateful to hear from other emacs users regarding your workflows 
> for Julia development, e.g. if you want to write a Julia package what emacs 
> packages, setup and workflow help you to be the most productive?
I use ESS + autocomplete + few keybindings (I'll post exact .init.el later 
when I get home), but there's one important thing about code organization 
that I worked out with time and now find very convenient. 

When developing a module, I put all the code in a file called "core.jl" 
 (or other files included into "core.jl"), and then in "MyModule.jl" simply 

module MyModule
export ...



This allows to open "core.jl" in Emacs, load the file (C-c C-c) and work 
like "from inside" the module, i.e. reload any function, keep variables, 
types, etc. without the need to reload the whole module and thus reset all 

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