>> This is the lowered and typed abstract syntax tree that you're seeing,
>> so two steps removed from what you've typed already (and another two
>> steps to go to get to machine code).  Thus it gets more verbose.  I
>> guess it would be nice to translate this typed code back to what you
>> wrote but with type annotations and display that.  But that is not
>> possible (yet?).  Have you seen this short and sweet JuliaCon
>> presentation by Jacob:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYZkHudRTvI&list=PLP8iPy9hna6Sdx4soiGrSefrmOPdUWixM&index=16
> Yes, you worded better than I could: whether it is possible to get a sort
> of breadth first view of the code. From the nice (and too short, thanks for
> the link) presentation, it seems that this is not possible. Is there any
> hope that the "yet?" will become reality? I understand thought that this
> may be a request from somebody unable to read quickly the output of
> code_typed.

If I understand correctly, this issue is requesting this feature
https://github.com/jakebolewski/JuliaParser.jl/issues/22 . By the sounds
of it, it's not going to happen tomorrow but maybe the day after.

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