I'm not sure what you're talking about.
ShaderToy.jl just makes it easy to execute an OpenGL shader written in 
GLSL, which then runs directly on the GPU. 
Running an OpenGL shader, animating some variables and displaying the 
results requires some setup, which is the part done in Julia.

Ray tracing just happens to be a much applied technology on shadertoy.com, 
which is why the examples I copied use ray tracing. 
If you go to shadertoy.com, you will see a lot of other stuff.
There are worlds between these simple toy ray tracing implementation and 
IRay from nvidia. It's not comparable at all.

Am Donnerstag, 24. September 2015 01:21:16 UTC+2 schrieb Simon Danisch:
> Hi,
> you want to try out GPU accelerated ray tracing? You want some quick and 
> easy start for GPU accelerated fractal rendering?
> You can do this quite easily now!
> ShaderToy <https://github.com/SimonDanisch/ShaderToy.jl> allows you to 
> only specify a fragmentshader, which is an OpenGL program which can execute 
> arbitrary code per pixel(fragment).
> Its based on GLVisualize and basically the Julia native version of: 
> https://www.shadertoy.com/
> I copied a few examples to get you started. Just click on the gifs in the 
> README to see the fragment shader that produced the image.
> The installation is still a little bit wonky, but should mostly work if 
> the script executes without error.
> If it doesn't work, please open an issue. This will help me to make the 
> release of GLPlot and GLVisualize a lot smoother!
> Best,
> Simon

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