
Would  below example work for you?

julia> dft = readtable("/Users/rob/Desktop/test.csv", separator = '\t')
8x5 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | title1 | title2 | title3 | title4 | title5 |
| 1   | 10     | 20     | 30     | 40     | 50     |
| 2   | 11     | 21     | 31     | 41     | 51     |
| 3   | 12     | 22     | 32     | 42     | 52     |
| 4   | 13     | 23     | 33     | 43     | 53     |
| 5   | 14     | 24     | 34     | 44     | 54     |
| 6   | 15     | 25     | 35     | 45     | 55     |
| 7   | 16     | 26     | 36     | 46     | 56     |
| 8   | 17     | 27     | 37     | 47     | 57     |

julia> titles = names(dft)
5-element Array{Symbol,1}:

julia> dft[[2:6], titles[2:5]]
5x4 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | title2 | title3 | title4 | title5 |
| 1   | 21     | 31     | 41     | 51     |
| 2   | 22     | 32     | 42     | 52     |
| 3   | 23     | 33     | 43     | 53     |
| 4   | 24     | 34     | 44     | 54     |
| 5   | 25     | 35     | 45     | 55     |

julia> dft[[2:6], titles[3]]
5-element DataArrays.DataArray{Int64,1}:

If you use list comprehension you will need the extra Symbol[] construct:

julia> dft[:, Symbol[titles[i] for i in 2:3]]
8x2 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | title2 | title3 |
| 1   | 20     | 30     |
| 2   | 21     | 31     |
| 3   | 22     | 32     |
| 4   | 23     | 33     |
| 5   | 24     | 34     |
| 6   | 25     | 35     |
| 7   | 26     | 36     |
| 8   | 27     | 37     |


> On Sep 28, 2015, at 2:18 AM, Fred <> wrote:
> Hi !
> I would like to know how is it possible to use variables in subsets of 
> DataFrames ? I would like to use a syntax like
>  df[:,:titles[1]] and df[:,:titles[1:3]]
> Thanks for your help !
> julia> using DataFrames
> julia> df = readtable("test.csv", separator = '\t')
> 8x5 DataFrame
> | Row | title1 | title2 | title3 | title4 | title5 |
> |-----|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|
> | 1   | 10     | 20     | 30     | 40     | 50     |
> | 2   | 11     | 21     | 31     | 41     | 51     |
> | 3   | 12     | 22     | 32     | 42     | 52     |
> | 4   | 13     | 23     | 33     | 43     | 53     |
> | 5   | 14     | 24     | 34     | 44     | 54     |
> | 6   | 15     | 25     | 35     | 45     | 55     |
> | 7   | 16     | 26     | 36     | 46     | 56     |
> | 8   | 17     | 27     | 37     | 47     | 57     |
> julia> titles = readdlm("titles.csv")
> 3x1 Array{Any,2}:
>  "title3"
>  "title1"
>  "title5"
> julia> df[:,:title2]
> 8-element DataArray{Int64,1}:                                                 
>  20                                                                           
>  21                                                                           
>  22                                                                           
>  23                                                                           
>  24                                                                           
>  25                                                                           
>  26                                                                           
>  27                                                                           
> julia> titles[1]
> "title3"                                                                      
> julia> df[:,:titles[1]]
> ERROR: `getindex` has no method matching getindex(::Symbol, ::Int64)   
> julia> df[:,:titles[1:3]]
> ERROR: `getindex` has no method matching getindex(::Symbol, 
> ::UnitRange{Int64})
> <test.csv><titles.csv>

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