I've tagged a new minor version of Plots 
<https://github.com/tbreloff/Plots.jl>, which includes many improvements, 
such as:

   - Support for Julia 0.3 (not that anyone needs it with the 0.4 release ;)
   - Simplified API
   - Finer control over colors and palettes, and support for color gradients
   - Simplified keyword arguments, including helper keywords 
   - Many fixes and more complete feature support across backends
   - Improved readme and examples

The core framework is getting a little more complete, so that I'll probably 
start expanding the supported features going forward.  As always, please 
open issues with bugs, comments, or questions.


On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 4:15:09 AM UTC-4, Tom Breloff wrote:
> Yes that's an important point, and one that may be Plots most important 
> use. For me, I want to write complex plotting/visualizations for 
> OnlineStats and OnlineAI, and its too restrictive to assume that a user 
> will have Gadfly, or Qwt, or Winston installed.  (Right now, Plots is only 
> dependent on Colors and Reexport... Everything else is imported dynamically 
> as needed... Even DataFrames)  So I either have to force huge dependecies 
> on them or accept that some people can't ever use my visualizations. Now 
> with Plots they only need any backend that supports the plot type, and the 
> user can choose what backend they like, so package authors may be more 
> inclined to expose plotting recipes for their problem domain. 
> On Thursday, September 24, 2015, Kristoffer Carlsson <
> kcarlsso...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It's a really nice package when you write your own module that does some 
>> plotting but you don't want to enforce a certain backend on the user.
>> On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 4:04:50 AM UTC+2, Tom Breloff wrote:
>>> I'm happy to announce a new tagged release of 
>>> https://github.com/tbreloff/Plots.jl, a plotting package that is simple 
>>> and easy to use, and which I hope will one day offer the union (not an 
>>> intersection) of functionality between underlying backends.  This is still 
>>> a work in progress, but it's possible to create many varied plots already.  
>>> Check out the recently expanded readme and linked examples to see more.  I 
>>> currently support 6 different plotting backends to varying degrees, all of 
>>> which use exactly the same plotting commands:
>>>    - Gadfly
>>>    - Immerse
>>>    - PyPlot
>>>    - Winston
>>>    - UnicodePlots
>>>    - Qwt
>>> Immerse is the new package from Tim Holy which allows for viewing Gadfly 
>>> plots in a Gtk gui window, with some cool functionality to zoom/pan and 
>>> select points for numerical analysis... it is my recommendation for the 
>>> best backend, and it is (along with Gadfly) the best supported.  I also 
>>> appreciate UnicodePlots (REPL only) for the minimal dependencies... for 
>>> quick plots it's pretty cool.  
>>> Some of the big improvements coming down the pipeline are support for 
>>> partitioning incoming data, various datapoint-specific settings (such as 
>>> varying size/color of individual points), and rounding out the standard 
>>> library of graph manipulation (specialized axes, scales, etc).  If Plots 
>>> covers most of your needs right now except for a few tweaks, you can always 
>>> access the underlying plot objects for the backend of your choice and 
>>> update directly.  (however please ask questions and request features so 
>>> that I know what to prioritize, and of course report any bugs that you 
>>> find).
>>> In the longer term I plan to include some recipes and example IJulia 
>>> notebooks for creating more complicated plots, as well as other types of 
>>> visualizations (graphs, 3D) and interactivity.
>>> Feedback and wishlists are appreciated!  Happy plotting.
>>> Tom

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