Hi everyone,

I recently installed Julia 0.4 on a Windows machine that already had 
Python/Numpy installed on it. I also wanted to get IJulia running, so I 
installed Jupyter using pip and then added IJulia using Pkg.add("IJulia").
This all ran successfully without any obvious problems. (There were a lot 
of deprecation warnings during the IJulia install mainly related to 
Base.String being replaced by AbstractString in WinRPM, but no errors.)

Unfortunately, I can't seem to get Jupyter to let me start a Julia-0.4.0 
notebook. When I run "jupyter kernelspec list", I do get Julia-0.4 showing 
up in the output (along with python3), but when I run jupyter notebook, I 
only get an option to create a Python 3 notebook without any option to 
create a Julia-0.4 notebook.


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