On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Victor Minden <victormin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I posted this originally as an issue on the GitHub page but was redirected
> here, which seems like a great resource.  Also, seems like this is more just
> my misunderstanding than an issue with the code, so this should be more
> appropriate.
> With Julia 0.4+, it seems that using
> F = qr(A,pivot=true);
> is no longer the correct calling syntax, but I do not understand the new
> syntax. The documentation gives,
> help?> qr
> search: qr qrfact qrfact! sqrt sqrtm isqrt require QuickSort
> PartialQuickSort
>   qr(A [,pivot=Val{false}][;thin=true]) -> Q, R, [p]
>   Compute the (pivoted) QR factorization of A such that either A = Q*R or
> A[:,p] = Q*R. Also see qrfact. The default
>   is to compute a thin factorization. Note that R is not extended with zeros
> when the full Q is requested.
> but it seems that "pivot" is not a keyword argument.  I must just not
> understand the meaning of the function signature.  Can someone give me an
> example of how to call QR with pivoting?  I was directed to
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/release-0.4/NEWS.md, but I cannot
> find anything in the 0.4 changes that seems to indicate the correct way to
> do this.

It's an optional argument, what follows `;` (i.e. `thin=true`) are
keyword arguments. Just call it with e.g. qr(A, Val{true})

> Thanks!

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