
can someone explain what macro definition environment and macro call 

- I was reading the following page: 
  - it says in the Hygiene section : 
    "Local variables are then renamed to be unique (using the gensym() 
<http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.4/stdlib/base/#Base.gensym> function, 
which generates new symbols), and *global variables are resolved within the 
macro definition environment. "*
*      - Do these global variables also refer to function calls like 
 time(), println() within a macro??*

In a later passage:
  - Here the user expression ex is a call to time, but not the same time 
function that the macro uses. It clearly refers to MyModule.time. *Therefore 
we must arrange for the code in **ex to be resolved in the macro call 

*I am kind of confused how to think of the hygiene of a macro:*
*  - Should i be thinking in terms of what is returned as an expr from the 
macro should not conflict with the code context where it is returned?*
*  - Or should i be thinking in terms of what is being supplied to macro 
should not conflict with what is inside the macro?*


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