On Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 3:54:13 PM UTC-4, David Gold wrote:
> @Sebastian: If I understand you correctly, then it should at least be 
> possible. If T is your datatype that behaves as such and x is the value of 
> type T that designates missingness, then it seems you could 
> straightforwardly write your own method to convert an Array{T} to a 
> NullableArray{T} that sets a given entry in the target isnull field to true 
> iff the corresponding entry in the argument array is x. I don't know how 
> the pros and cons will play out for your specific use case.

It might be nice to add a constructor that supports arbitrary arrays, e.g., 
`NullableArray(data, data .== 9999)`, and does the conversions for you.  In 
this case, you will at least need to convert the BitArray to an Array{Bool}.

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