If I'm reading correctly, it looks like decompose is intended to give all 
partitions of val into num summands.

Julia actually has this function as part of Base:

julia> collect(Vector{Int}, partitions(10, 3))
8-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:

partitions actually returns an iterator, so if you can process the 
partitions 1-by-1, you don't actually have to store them all at once.

You can see how it's implemented here:


On Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 9:49:45 PM UTC-4, Patrick Useldinger wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am currently benchmarking languages to write a kakuro solver in. I am 
> not really familiar with Julia but ported the small algorithm I had written 
> in Lisp and PyPy to Julia nevertheless. Unfortunately Julia's performance 
> is really bad and I'm reaching out to the community to find out whether 
> it's due to my coding or not.
> Here's the code in Julia:
> function decompose(val, num)
>   function sub(num, tot, res, pos, allres)
>     if val==tot && num==0
>       union(allres, res)
>     elseif tot<val && num>0 && !isempty(pos)
>       sub(num-1, tot+pos[1], union(copy(res),pos[1]), pos[2:end], sub(num, 
> tot, res, pos[2:end], allres))
>     else
>       allres
>     end
>   end
>   sub(num, 0, Int16[], 1:(max(num, 10))-1, Array[])
> end
> for i in 1:45
>   for j in 2:20
>     res = decompose(i, j)
>   end
> end
> It takes roughly 13.4 seconds on my computer.
> The equivalent Python code
> def decompose(val, num):
>     def sub(num, tot, res, pos, allres):
>         if tot == val and num == 0:
>             return allres+res
>         elif tot < val and num != 0 and pos:
>             return sub(num-1, tot+pos[0], res+[pos[0]], pos[1:], sub(num, 
> tot, res, pos[1:], allres))
>         else:
>             return allres
>     return sub(num, 0, [], range(1, max(num, 10)), [])
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     for i in range(1, 46):
>         for j in range(2,21):
>             res = decompose(i,j)
> is 1.4 seconds and the Lisp
> defun decompose (val num)
>   (labels ((sub (num tot res pos allres)
>              (cond
>               ((and (= tot val) (zerop num)) (cons (reverse res) allres))
>               ((and (< tot val) (not (zerop num)) (not (null pos)))
>                (sub (1- num) (+ tot (car pos)) (cons (car pos) res) (cdr 
> pos)
>                     (sub num tot res (cdr pos) allres)))
>               (t allres))))
>     (reverse (sub num 0 nil (loop for i from 1 below (max num 10) collect 
> i) nil))))
> (time
>  (loop for val from 1 below 46  do
>        (loop for num from 2 below 21 do
>              (let ((res (decompose val num)))))))
> is 0.5 seconds.
> Any hints to make the Julia code perform better?
> Regards,
> -Patrick

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