Thanks for that Simon.

I think I did see the query() function...  But it did not register until 

Indeed, I would prefer hierarchy in my file types... but experience tells 
me that's not trivial.  Sometimes there are more than one useful 
hierarchies, so building a useful one can be difficult (I gave it my best 
shot for now).

The "Union" solution:
I am sort of reluctant to use unions (I don't quite find it as elegant as 
the inheritance system).  Also, there is a change in Union syntax from 
v0.3->v0.4.  But, since Julia's current release is finally at v0.4, I 
should really migrate ASAP.

That being said, I still like your suggestion:  The good thing about your 
Union solution is that it allows the *user* to select which filetypes are 
grouped, and how.  I must give this serious thought.

As for the dynamic loading:  I can't really comment yet.  I will have to 
get used to that system a bit more before I can have a real opinion.


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